The Second Act Show with Hannah Morgan
Our ability to maintain our professional visibility and define our unique brand are the two key factors to job search success.
Author Speaker Expert
Our ability to maintain our professional visibility and define our unique brand are the two key factors to job search success.
When you are curious the world is so much more interesting.
But I do think skills-based hiring is going to be increasingly common for a couple of reasons. The first is workforce demographics in the U.S. are pretty perilous,” he said.…
Our lives and our workplaces were fundamentally changed in ways I detail in my new book “In Control at 50+: How to Succeed in the New World of Work.” While…
Our guest on The Second Act Show is our good friend, the powerhouse workplace guru and encore career advocate, Marci Alboher. For every boomer who is let go in their…
More than 9 out of 10 knowledge workers (94%) said they want schedule flexibility (compared with 79% who want location flexibility) — yet nearly two-thirds (65%) say that they personally…
"Own the true value that you have. There are a couple of things you can do to build that muscle as well – education, adding skills and learning new things."
. More than 1 in 4 (28%) caregiving women in non-manager roles in the the U.S. would switch jobs if they’re not allowed to work at least some of the…
we're talking with demographic futurist Bradley Schurman, author of "The Super Age: Decoding Our Demographic Destiny."
This is more than a rehash of the fallout of the pandemic — it is a guide to navigating today’s altered career and job pathways for midcareer workers.