Age discrimination is alive and well in the workplace. Nearly 2 out of 3 workers ages 45 and older have seen or experienced age discrimination on the job, according to the results of a wide-ranging AARP workplace survey. Among the 61 percent of respondents who reported age bias, 91 percent said they believe that such discrimination is common. Listen in to my conversation with Host Tom Matt about how to fight ageism in the workplace.

Some of my tips, which you can also find in my books Great Jobs for Everyone 50+ and Love Your Job, include:

Stay up to date with technology. It’s non-negotiable. Keep up your online presence, especially LinkedIn. You need a social media presence for employers to learn  more about you and it shows you are comfortable with technology.

Add new skills or polish old ones. It’s all about lifelong learning. Skills set must be relevant to today’s job market. This is no time to be complacent.

Get physically fit. Look your best, feel your best. Hiring managers do judge a book by it’s cover. Subtly show them that you are up for the job. When you’re fit, you exude energy, positivity and a can-do spirit. People want to be around you. They want you on their team.

Try new ways of doing things. Show that you’re not set in your ways. Broaden your job search. Don’t get “stuck in a moment,” as Bono from U2 sings. Avoid trying to replicate your old job. How can you redeploy your skills to new fields and types of jobs?

Don’t get caught up in a search for a certain title or salary. It’s the job you’re after. You can find ways to find “total compensation” that works for you- say flextime, telecommuting, more vacation days. It’s not a step down. It’s finding work you love and has meaning. And you probably don’t “need” to be the boss and the hassle and anxiety that comes with it at this stage of your career.

Network is one letter away from ‘Not Working’ You’ve got a big network. Ask for help.

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