These Women Face The Greatest Retirement Risk
“Two-income households typically make more, but save less,” says Cindy Hounsell, president of the Washington D.C.-based Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER).
Author Speaker Expert
“Two-income households typically make more, but save less,” says Cindy Hounsell, president of the Washington D.C.-based Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER).
Although everyone takes a different career path, there’s usually a common spine of the underlying moves that makes success feasible. Just ask Joann S. Lublin, a Pulitzer Prize winner, management…
This week, I had my annual face-to-face meeting with my financial adviser. We converse throughout the year via emails and a rare phone call, but this was the have-a look-under-the-hood…
Thanks to modern medicine, people are living longer. This means, many of us are going to live longer, healthier lives than our parents’ generation. On average, men and women spend…
How’s this for a twist? Women are making strides when it comes to ramping up their financial mojo and saving for retirement. And men are falling back. The number of…
I’ve been on a soapbox talking about ways people can be more engaged in their jobs, and, in fact, love them, ever since my book, Love Your Job: The…
A fact of life they didn’t tell you middle school: You’ll likely be flying solo at some point during your retirement, if not at the start. “From the age of…
Take a read of my Money Beginner’s Checklist for Women 50+ that I compiled for PBS Next Avenue. Editor’s note: This article is part of a Next Avenue special section about women…
Here’s a quick and easy way to gauge your money-management acumen. Editor’s note: This article is part of a Next Avenue special section about women age 50+ managing their money.…
Keeping physically fit is always important, but as we age, it becomes even more imperative to maintaining quality of life. According to personal finance expert and Next Avenue contributor Kerry…
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