Second Verse: Fighting Age Discrimination: New AARP Survey
Ageism. Say the word out loud. When I do, it forms awkwardly in my throat, clinging to the back of my palate. Then, it pushes out with a distinct hissing,…
Author Speaker Expert
Ageism. Say the word out loud. When I do, it forms awkwardly in my throat, clinging to the back of my palate. Then, it pushes out with a distinct hissing,…
College towns can be great places to live in the 50-plus years. They’ve got lively entertainment, sport sand, often, ample supplies of jobs for people not yet ready to clock out.…
I had the wonderful opportunity to spend an hour recently talking to Maureen Anderson, who is the host of The Career Clinic radio show and the author of The Career…
“You always have to think of yourself as You, Inc., even if you’re working full-time. What could you moonlight as and do full-blown later on?” says Kerry Hannon, author of What’s Next?…
You want a job that matters. Executive recruiter Laura Gassner Otting, who founded the Nonprofit Professionals Advisory Group, knows what that’s all about. For the last decade, her Boston-based firm…
How does it feel to be nearly 60 and back in the job market after an unexpected layoff? You went down with an entire department’s implosion. You feel angry in…
In Tina Fey’s new movie, The Intern, she plays the founder of an e-business with a fashion focus, who takes on a 70-something intern to much eye-rolling angst. Are internships for…
There’s nothing quite like a presidential campaign to get women some attention. Female voters are, after all, the majority of the electorate Little wonder then that Democratic strategists see women…
It’s been a busy spring for surveys about boomers and retiring. Here’s the gist of it. Employers say they really value older workers…really they do. Workers say they plan to…
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