Throughout our own careers, we’ve seen tremendous changes in the business landscape. From cubicles to open floor plan office factories, a cocktail at lunch to lunch at our desks, overtime to overworking. While the evolution is apparent, nothing could have prepared us for the new way to work post-pandemic.

Our guest today, Kerry Hannon, has been reporting on business and finance for years and has seen many of these shifts up close and personal. Listening to our discussion today will brighten your day. Kerry is an incredible optimist and believes in and inspires women to purposefully craft their own futures.

Kerry shares so many incredible stories with us. Hear how she does ‘it all’ as an author, contributor, speaker, and columnist, how an interview with a Navajo rug weaver opened her eyes to the importance of loving what she does, and the importance of financial security.

Kerry Hannon is a workplace futurist and a leading expert and strategist on career management and work transitions, entrepreneurship, personal finance, and retirement.

She’s the author of more than a dozen best-selling and award-winning books, including “In Control at 50+: How to Succeed in The New World of Work,” “Never Too Old to Get Rich,” “Great Jobs for Everyone 50+,” “Great Pajama Jobs: Your Complete Guide to Working From Home,” “Love Your Job” and “What’s Next?” She is currently a senior columnist and on-air expert at Yahoo Finance.

She has covered all aspects of careers, business, and personal finance as a columnist, editor, and writer for the nation’s leading media companies, including The New York Times, Forbes, MarketWatch, Money, PBS, U.S. News & World Report, USA Today and The Wall Street Journal, among other national publications. Kerry has appeared as a career and financial expert on The Dr. Phil Show on ABC, CBS, CNBC, NBC Nightly News, NPR, Yahoo Finance, and PBS.

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