WORKING IT “Great Jobs for Everyone 50+: Finding Work That Keeps You Happy and Healthy…and Pays the Bills” by AARP columnist Kerry Hannon is a must read for anyone mulling what kind of work will work for you in the next phase of your life. Ms. Hannon scopes out the pluses and minuses across a wide swath of options: new job or encore career, volunteer work or home business, full time or part time, by the season or contract by contract. Her tone is practical, realistic and optimistic, with nitty-gritty tips about how to explore, what to expect, and the qualifications and skills you’ll need in a wide range of fields, including nonprofits, health care, education, sales and retail. Especially helpful: her “Great Jobs Workshop,” including sections on assessing your skills, doing marketplace research, and updating networking, job-search, interview and tech skills.
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